Still capturing the memory of Stateira chest in his hands Romulus smirked as she dashed into the darkness. “Damn that bitch is crazy” he said softly. Looking back towards Nifen, Romulus started to notice something different in the glow of the tunnel. The walls, some were smooth… too smooth to be done by hand. Just then from the darkness Stateira’s voice interrupted his thoughts, “Now get him!” Not sure what lay ahead, Nifen and Romulus charged forward. As they entered the small cavern they were shocked to see what was left of the two drow across the way. Looking down at they saw Jameyes and Stateira drunk with rage and power. Their eyes were glowing with a red aura and bodies swelling with energy. Stateira said, “Let’s go, quickly” and they were gone.

Nifen and Romulus quickly crossed the cavern stopping ever so briefly to admire their comrades work and search for weapons. After quickly loading up on poisons bolts Romulus was concerned, “We’ve got to go, there’s no way they haven’t heard us yet!” Smiling, Nifen replied “Romulus, I’ve blocked the sound and with these walls, we’re fine.” Distracted briefly again by the walls Romulus’s eyes drifted down the smooth surface of the cavern wall until he came across the hanging drow. Half inquired and half jested, “How the hell did she get it in his mouth.” “Come on Romulus, there’ll be time to ask questions later” replied Nifen. Meanwhile Jameyes and Stateira charged into the darkness.
Running through the tunnel trying desperately to keep up, Romulus and Nifen heard another fight up ahead. As they rounded the corner arrows were ricocheting off the walls and Jameyes was lying in a heap at the mouth of the cavern. Stateira was furiously shooting her bow. Hearing us approach, she looks back winks and says “Watch this.” Without looking an arrow left her bow striking a huge drow in the middle of the cave. Nifen quickly went to work checking Jameyes as Romulus pulled his new crossbow into action, taking aim he fired. “Holly shit! I hit him!” Romulus was so excited with his new bow he almost forgot about the peril at hand. Just then another arrow went zipping by bringing him back to the battle. From nowhere, Jameyes explodes from Nifen’s feet into the room with a slashing blow. His sword ripped through the studded leather leaving a gash across the drow’s left side. Rolling forward with his momentum Jameyes reaches back with a follow through stab that strikes into the thigh of his foe.
Wasting no time, Stateira charges unsheathing her sword as she slices deep into the arm of a goblin. Almost panther like in her attack you could see each muscle flex as her arms brought the blade to a rest. Looking up from her crouched position you could see a look of mischievous satisfaction as blood dripped down her blade. No sooner had she sliced into the battle Nifen was busy casting. From behind enemy lines a celestial dog went in for the attack.
Meanwhile, Romulus continued to wreak havoc with his new toy. “Finally,” he thought, “A wizard who can fight! Who’s laughing now father?” Clinching his fist in rage, Romulus thrusts his arm forward sending streams of energy from his hand striking the goblin. The energy burned through the goblins thick flesh and his throat started spewing blood as he crumbled to his death.
Nifen, seeing that the battle was nearing an end ran in to join the slaughter. Nifen reached back and unleashed a fatal swing flanking one of the drow. Despite all his armor, he looked graceful as he guided his sword through the drow’s neck. Romulus looked over just in time to see the head bounce from the floor. Jameyes let out a rare laugh at the sight and then quickly went back to work punishing the remaining drow. Stateira stood over the last semiconscious foe with her sword at his throat, she stopped and looked up to Romulus, “Here you finish him. You need the practice.” Romulus ignored her insolence as he was busy scouting the walls. “Up there,” he said pointing to a new tunnel.
After scavenging threw the wreckage, the party proceeded to the new passage. Romulus again was stuck in his thoughts about the tunnel when it finally hit him. “That’s it! Guys, some of these tunnels are not man made.” Waiting for their applause he quickly realized he would have to explain. “Look, see how smooth these walls are? They’re made by magic!” Waiting for the point to resonate Romulus grew tired of the game and put it in simple common, “If we follow the smooth ones it may get us where we want to go.”
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